Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Christmas, Classes, & Homecoming Prep

 There is a huge part of me that still semi believes that I am trapped in this endless loop of October, but we are officially in January! It feels incredibly strange that Christmas came and went, Fall semester ended, and I am in the home stretch of this deployment.  Time is such a funny thing to me.

Even though Phil was deployed, I still made him do Christmas card photos with me:

Our photographer is super talented and Phil definitely indulged me with doing his part of the photo (shoutout to his awesome 1st Sergeant for being his photographer).  These turned out so well and are a sweet reminder of this deployment.

The puppies and I had a great Christmas with my parents (they came to spend it with me), and they each got new collars, leashes and bones!  

Spring semester is going to start soon!! I am so excited!  I really enjoyed my first semester of my doctoral program and cannot wait to keep pursuing this dream.  The only downside is that I have to take statistics this semester and I am NOT a math person in any way, shape or form, so think good thoughts for me please :)

We are definitely on the downward spiral of this deployment and I am so excited!!!  I am so ready for Phil to be home and re-establish our "normal".  It is so strange because for a while the deployment seems like it will last for eternity, and then you look up and you have less than a month left....I am not complaining about that process in the least! 

I hope you all have a great week and have had a great start to your New Year!

I am looking for fun destinations for Phil and I to visit when he gets home, he will get a little leave time, any suggestions? 


  1. Statistics is a class I managed to squeak by without ever taking! Godspeed.

    Kansas City is so much fun! We'd love to see you both :)

    1. Kansas City is such a great idea!! And we would love to see you guys too :)

      I also had to take a statistics class in my undergrad....I'm not excited for a revival


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