Friday, July 31, 2020

Hello Again

Hello!!! It has been a very very long time since I have written!  Life has been crazy and really so much has happened over the past year to really recap.

We are still in Oklahoma!  We bought a house last summer and have loved every minute of being homeowners

We are working through our 3rd Deployment; due to COVID Phil's deployment date changed quite a few times, and even though I had secretly hoped he wouldn't, he did in fact deploy in May

It is tough as always, but I have these two cuties to help me through it!

Look at those faces!!! :)

I am embarking on my own new journey career-wise: I have been accepted into the Doctoral Program of Educational Leadership at Tennessee University!!! I am beyond excited as this has always been my goal! I am starting their online program this Fall and am literally counting down the days until my classes start!

If you don't wear the swag, do you even go there?? ;)

It feels good to be back!  Maybe I will make this a regular thing again???

How is everyone's summer?  What are you all doing to stay sane during the heat and during COVID?


  1. You could always post before/after pics of your house...It has to feel good once things have been remodeled!

    1. It does!! We didn’t do too much, but the whole house had White carpet: not cream, WHITE! So we replaced that with a wood tile...there was no way I was going to ever keep that clean!


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