Wednesday, March 8, 2017

High School, Hormones, & Love Notes

So Monday morning Phil left bright and early and like any self-respecting woman: I cried and hid under the covers for another 30 minutes before getting up and going to school.  It went surprisingly well, after all, this isn't a deployment and we can do crazy things like talk on the phone and text (yay!).  I came home from school to find the SWEETEST note in the entire world:
My heart melted and I hugged Max while I cried a little more.  Max was so supportive: he licked my face over and over and then grabbed his ball and shoved it in my face (yes, a game of fetch is clearly the answer in this moment).  

I then let Max sleep on the bed with me that night and Tuesday night....but that's fine right?

As every other teacher in the world, you have lesson plans and goals for your classes: things you want to accomplish and need to get done.  I am armed with my English lesson and ready to rock and roll....and then my kids throw me an audible: they really want to talk about relationships.  They start asking all different types of questions: breakups, their breakups, feelings, hormones, trust, being single, and sex (I didn't cringe, but I wanted to).  So instead of doing my English lesson, we talked about life and how to stay true to yourself; when they are on a roll, you go with it.   I loved the fact that my students were so comfortable to talk about this stuff with me!   It can be hard to get high schoolers to open up and really express their thoughts and feelings about topics like this one. Teaching Win!  But I think I am good with the sex talk for now...

Max and I are starting to settle back into our routine: walks after school, sweet tea, dinner, and couch cuddle time....Max is a pro at the couch cuddles part
I have also found a mantra for this training period from one of my favorite puppies: 

But there also might need to be a new pair of shoes or two in my future to cope....maybe this weekend I'll add  a pair to the collection!

Happy Mid Week Everyone!

Linking up with Kristin!


  1. I'm glad you are doing well so far! Being apart is never easy but you're going to make the most of this time, I just know it. :)

    1. Thanks Jen!! I have my little countdowns that always make it easier! :)

  2. well isn't that the cutest thing ever and YES teaching win - sometime the lesson needs to go the wayside for the REAL LIFE lessons to occur, you are one strong women for being an army wife <3

    1. Thanks Amber! <3 I can't want to see photos of your big day!!! <3 <3

  3. Love notes are just the best, especially when they come unexpected and when they're needed the most! So sweet!

    I've been saying lately that I really wished we had been taught some "real life" lessons, especially in high school. While it may not be on a curriculum yet, it's definitely major props to you because they felt comfortable enough to open up and ask, and because you allowed them the time and space to do so! Teaching Win for sure! Stopping by from the linkup :)

    1. I agree! It would be so great to have more than a Health class because students need some of that Real Life talk! Thank you so much for stopping by!! :)

  4. That is something that is getting lost in today's educational system, teaching the whole student. On that day, that is what they needed to learn and who knows, you may be the only person to discuss those topics with them. I'm a speech pathologist in an elementary school, so I have had those moments, too, moments when something was so important and in the forefront of my students' minds that they had to be addressed. Good for you.

    1. That is awesome! And it is so important to let them take the lead on those days, it really does make for some epic teaching moments.


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