Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Days Off, Flights, & Memes

I finally got the word when Phil's promotion ceremony is going to be! I am very excited because that means I get to see him very soon! I booked my flights and am ready to get out of Dodge...or Colorado.  Since he has been rocking a sleeping bag in the RV he asked that I bring some bedding...its a good thing that I invested in those SpaceBags (best purchase ever!)

With the school year winding down, I have slowly started to cull out my stuff and take the unnecessary/already used items home.  My students are noticing my decorations are a little lacking compared to what they were last week; but its time to face the facts: we don't need the Grammar Meme Wall anymore, if they don't know it now, its hopeless.  But I must admit, some of them really are funny and make me chuckle everyday.

I am terrified for Grandma's everywhere!

Colorado has decided to remind us that it does have a sense of humor when it comes to weather because it will be high 70s one day and then 50s and rain the next.  So Max and I have been embracing the thrill of fetch, chase the dog, and tug so we can then get to our other favorite pastime: couch cuddles.

Maybe we need a new hobby...

With that being said, I am very excited because we have FRIDAY OFF! Woo and two Hoo's!  Now that day does involve a trip to the vet for some shots, but still very exciting! This weekend will be filled with some necessary purging and packing prep (I can't put it off anymore) and cleaning.  What does that say about me that those thoughts make me kind of excited?  I'm not sure either.  Have a great rest of the week everyone! :)

Does anyone have any fun weekend plans?

Linking up with Kristin!


  1. Spacebags are the best!! We use them a lot when it comes time to PCS.

    1. This is my first time buying them! I'm so excited! That probably makes me a mega dork hahaha

  2. I'm starting to take things down too. Brought two boxes home this week 👍🏻
    I think I'll just relax tomorrow. Maybe get a pedicure even if it's not-great weather.

    1. I'm getting pedicure tomorrow too! Celebrating the three day weekend!

  3. This time of year moves so fast! Can't wait to find out where you are traveling too!

    1. Thank you!! I am so excited!! I do love a new adventure! :)

  4. I like to play movies for background noise while I clean, I enjoy it. South Carolina has similar weather at times. Takes a while for the weather to be all hot or cold.

    1. I do too! Especially something I've seen a million times or is relaxing. I swear we had better weather in February; it always keeps us guessing!


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